Dan Durazo’s Job Search Blog

Finding that Next Job

The Clock Starts Now

Open that window

Open that window

An article in today’s NJ.com predicts that a job window will open soon and stay open for 90 days.  In other words, if you’re looking for a job, the next 3 months will provide a critical opportunity to find work and you need to be ready to hit the ground running.

The article offers some great tips for preparing for your job search and then getting out there.  Many of these tips have appeared in this blog, but the article does a nice job of summarizing a few of them.

Bottom line:  I have no idea if this “window” is fact or fantasy.  But what if you decided to take the next 90 days and energize your job search by updating your resume and your Linkedin profile, by applying for one job a day, by going to one networking event every day, by making 10 calls to recruiters/friends/your network every day, by creating some “out of the box” job search tool like a personal newsletter, by joining one new group that may help with your job search and by taking advantage of some free or paid job search counseling.

If you did all of these things you just might find a job while the window is open.  And even if you don’t, what is the downside? You just might find the job on day 91 or day 101, but I’m willing to bet you will feel better knowing that you’ve done the best you can.  Now throw open that window!

August 31, 2009 Posted by | Job Search | , | 1 Comment

Attitude is Everything

No Stress!

No Stress!

There is a great article in yesterday’s New York Times about the stress a person feels after losing a job and how that stress can help sink the job search process. 

This reminded me of my own job search stress.  I had been unemployed for a few months and my stress was growing daily.  One day out of the blue, a recruiter called and what seemed like the last company in town that was hiring had called them and wanted to see me.  I sweated through three interviews and sat on pins and needles for every piece of news, assuming the worst during periods of silence.  Finally, the day for my fourth and last interview came.  I was so stressed out I drove right by the company, and arrived a couple of minutes late.  Nervous and assuming I was cooked, I soldiered on and got the job inspite of myself.

So I understand how stress, anxiety, depression, a sense of self doubt and all the rest can play havoc on the job search.  These are real feelings and they shouldn’t be ignored.  But they can be managed. 

My advice is to ask others to help you:  friends, colleagues, family, healthcare professionals, recruiters, job search experts and anyone else you may respect.  In many cases, just talking about your feelings can help enormously.  When you’re in need and you ask for help, help can come from the most unlikely places.

August 17, 2009 Posted by | Job Search | , , | Leave a comment

GoSavant Job Search Tips

GoSavant-Logo[1]GoSavant (savant is the French word for “knowing” and has come to mean an “expert”) is a job search coaching site that offers a number of tools to help the job searcher.  Included among a host of other items are courses on “Job Search – Knock ’em Dead ($49.95),” Write Effective Resumes ($19.99)” and “Winning Job Search Tactics ($19.99).”

But what I like best are the free networking and interviewing tips.  I especially like the networking tips because I think good networking is the key to a successful job search.  Many job seekers don’t realize that they already know people who can be helpful in their job search.  Recently I told a friend about a business associate who I thought might be helpful in her job search.  It turns out she already knew him but not in a professional context. They’ve now connected professionally and it’s a valuable connection.

Mine your entire network, let them know you are looking for a job and ask them for leads or introductions that may be helpful.  You may already know the person who will lead you to that next great job.

August 3, 2009 Posted by | Job Search | | Leave a comment